SCS Dirty Dozen

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Here I come at There She Goes ;)

So um....have you ever heard of this fabulous store 'o stamps? Yes? GREAT! If your answer was no the follow the instructions at the bottom of this post ;)

I am proud to announce that I have been asked by Jessica to be one of the newest Jr. Trendsetters on the There She Goes DT! EEEEK! I just love these stamps and have drooled over them for quite some time so you can imagine how excited I was!

I get to join the ranks of these very talented girls:

Jessica Knutsen (Owner, Illustrator, and DT Coordinator)
Holly McMillen (Senior DT)
Jessie Knight (Senior DT)
Jodi Collins (Senior DT)
Sandra McLean (Senior DT)
Danielle Lounds (Junior DT)
Donna Wardle (Junior DT)
Heather Pulvirenti (Junior DT)
Me!!!! (Junior DT)
Lisa Henke (Junior DT)
Mercy Kerin (Junior DT)
Pam Varnell (Junior DT)
Chris Dark (Illustrator-new)

Can you feel the talent just ooze out of this new group of Trendsetters? I can't wait to get inky with these girls! Now since my blogger is still being pooey, you will have to click on the blinkie on the left hand side of this post or the logo above to visit the There She Goes Store and blog for the formal announcement. While your there take a lookie at all the galleries and blogs of the girls listed so that you can share in my ogling ;) If you answered "No" to the "Have you ever heard of this store before" question then you better just march your patootie over there and have a peek ;) lol

Thanks for having me Jessica and I only hope that I can do your fabulous stamps the justice that they deserve :)

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  1. Welcome to the team Kim!!! We are going to have so much fun :)

  2. Are you kidding me?! You will not only do the stamps justice, you will ROCK our world! So so so VERY excited to be working with you, my friend!!

  3. Wow, it is well-deserved! You are so talented!

  4. You only hope to do these stamps justice?!? Paaaalease!!! I already know my jaw will be on the floor when I spy your cards! =)

  5. Congrats Kim! Can't wait to see what you have to show us!!

  6. Grats on your new DT position, Kim! I'm always looking forward to see something fun and colorful in your newsletter :) xox ~Jeni

  7. Congrats Kim. I am so happy to be on this team with you.

  8. yippeee!!! congrats and I'm so excited to be working with you on the DT.


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