SCS Dirty Dozen

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A Peony for You...

Yes, I admit...I have been neglectful! I have been crazy busy once again and this poor blog got pushed by the wayside in the process! So to apologize for being a bad blogger, I have a short post and a pretty peony to show you ;0)

I have been a busy lady getting all my ducks in a row for teaching over at My Creative Classroom! It's been fabulous so far, but an incredible learning experience for this somewhat easily dumbfounded individual! lol

Over the past few weeks I have been learning to use all kinds of funky software that I hadn't dared to use before, because let's face it people...who actually likes to sit down and be baffled by new programs unless they have too? *wink* Needless to say that I have now figured out the software and may even have a video tutorial or two up my sleeve for next month! I know that you are all waiting with bated breathe! hehehehe

Did I also mention that I'm going to be an auntie again? No? Hmmm ...I must have forgotten to mention that somewhere along the lines while I wasn't posting and being a bad blogger! My sister in law is now 7 days over due and we are waiting for my sweet little niece to make her grand appearance, but not nearly as much as her over due mommy! lol I personally think that she's holding out so that she can enjoy a turkey dinner :o) I will let you all know when she's here and may even have a picture or two by then...I will keep you posted!

Ahem, now that I've bored you with what's going on with me...let's get back to that pretty peony that I don't have any more pictures of! lol

This card was made for the June Dirty Dozen gallery and was made with one of my very first Illustrations called Peony. The peony was stamped with Versa Mark onto watercolour paper and heat embossed with a half and half mixture of Ranger Gold Tinsel and Gold Embossing Powders (a tip that I learned from Jerri Kay). I watercoloured it using a waterbrush and Tombow Markers and then cut "out of the box" style and paper toled so that it looks more realistic. The image is so sparkly in real life due to the embossing powder mixture! I then just played with some shapes of designer paper to come up with this layout. I used up some scraps of ribbon that I was lucky enough to have matched it up to some designer paper and added the pearls to balance out the card.

Thanks for being such understanding readers that know how sometimes life gets in the way crafts!...I try not to let it happen but sometimes I lose and life just budges in and takes over! ;0)

Just a reminder for anyone who is interested in taking the Watercolouring with Tombow Markers Class with moi ...the final day for registration is October 9th, so don't miss out!

Card Recipe:

Stamps: Clear Dollar Stamps - Peony
Paper: Gina K, Caramel, Watercolour, K&Co DP, Basic Grey DP, Karen Foster DP
Ink: Versa Mark, Caramel
Accessories: Sewing Machine, Sponges, Dimensionals, Ribbon, Half Pearls, Aqua Painter, Tombow Markers, Ranger Gold Tinsel and Gold Embossing Powder

post signature


  1. This card is beautiful! I love it!

  2. Absolutely stunning! Your colors are so deep and rich. Love the ribbon, it sets off the tone of the leaves. Gorgeous Kim!

  3. such a lovely flower so love the colors, and neat layout too!

  4. Very pretty Kim. Congrats on your new addition. It's so nice to be an auntie again isn't it?


  5. Oh Kim, how beautiful is that!!!! I love it!!!!!


  6. Hi Kim, this card is stunning !! I wished I could color flowers even a little like you !! Wonderful layout.

  7. Kim this is beautiful. I love the way you colored this image.. Great image too. Super embossing..


Thank you so much for visiting today and for leaving me some of your thoughts :)