SCS Dirty Dozen

Saturday, August 22, 2009

While I procrastinate...

Hi everybody! Yes, it's me...the ghost blogger. You know, the one who takes forever to post and in the mean time you have forgotten that I ever existed...yeah, that one. *wink*

August has been one incredibly insane month for me so I'm actually on holidays right now :) Yesterday I was dragged out of the bush where we were camping without an Internet connection to come home while Bill works 2 shifts and then he's dragging me back there, so in the mean time I come to you with this card that I made about 6 months ago! lol

On Monday we are heading back to the bush so I will be MIA but have 2 scheduled blog posts for you. As I sit here typing this, I really should be working on my next 2 stamp releases and a top secret project...but I'm not really into working at the moment, so instead, I will stall for awhile on here...then maybe on Facebook...then some Splitcoast....then, um maybe some blog surfing :)

But while I'm here I should really tell you a little bit about this card. It's been sitting in a box and forgotten about for the last 6 months and as I was taking some pictures of it tonight I realized that I made a really ugly boo boo on it. Upon closer inspection I noticed that my sewing is a little less than top notch and that brings me to a lesson learned and a couple of tips for you.

Lesson #1 If your thread ever looks like the one in this picture, please remember to tighten your bobbin threads!

Lesson #2 Sewing Machines really don't think that sandpaper should be stitched on (at least this card is a reminder that mine doesn't!)

Seems to me that the reason this card got tossed aside was the messy stitching - oh well, another day another embellishment opportunity! lol

Card Recipe:

Stamps: DMD Beach
Paper: PTI White, Basic Black, Watercolour, Basic Grey DP, Sandpaper
Ink: Basic Black, Versa Mark, Chocolate Chip, Baja Breeze, Taken with Teal, Not Quite, Navy, Bashful Blue, Soft Sky, Elegant Eggplant
Accessories: Sewing Machine, Sponges, Dimensionals, Crystal Effects, Aqua, Painter, Re-Inkers, Cuttlebug and Embossing Folders, Clear Embossing Powder

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  1. Kim, you are too hilarious! Your cards are always amazing, and I'm pretty sure you will never be forgotten little miss 'ghost' poster, lol. That is too funny. Have fun int he bush ;D

  2. Nice to have you back, even if it is for a short time! I love this card and have no problem overlooking any boo-boo on the stitching (besides, I can't even imagine how difficult it must be to stitch on SANDPAPER!!!). I love the vibrant colors, especially on the surfboards. Thanks for giving us a little bit of summer to hang onto.

  3. Kim - welcome back! I love the way you did the sand. I can't imagine stitching on sandpaper. As usual, your card is bright and cheery.

  4. Welcome back! Then bye again! But in the meantime I love the card!

  5. Yay!!! So nice to have a little bit of a Kim fix! I honestly didn't see any boo-boo until I searched and searched, so believe me, when we look upon your art, you make it difficult to see anything but near perfection! =)

  6. I found your blog via SCS (the SU demo thread) and love your work! I really like this set of surfboards! Where did you get it? (I won't tell SU! compliance! I'm a hobby demo too).

    You can email me at joboogie at gmail dot com - thanks! :)


Thank you so much for visiting today and for leaving me some of your thoughts :)