SCS Dirty Dozen

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Blog Candy Winner!


So, you all remember the Stamper's Dream/JustRite blog hop that took place on Monday? You know...this one? Well, I'm pretty darn excited to announce that my blog is one of the Mystery Blog Candy location! Yay! That means that the winner from my blog is Lori!
Lori said...
Your coloring job is lovely and really makes the card.

Congratulations Lori! You have won the prize pack from Stamper's Dream (pictured above) and it's valued at $50. Please email Michelle ( with your mailing info and she will get your goodies out to you right away :D

To see all of the results of the blog hop, please click over to the JustRite blog for all of the "official" info and have a great day!

PS: Thank you for all of the wonderful comments on my post! Sweet words make rainy days wonderful and I sure got a lot of them :D

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